Department of Anesthesiology


Olive View Medical Center’s purposes are to give medical and psychiatric care to Los Angeles County indigent patients and to serve as a teaching hospital for UCLA’s School of Medicine. The Department of Anesthesiology participates in these missions.

We are committed to providing the highest level of training to our Medical Students and Residents.

Our goal is to deliver the most modern, highest possible quality anesthesia care, to provide documentation of the type and quality of care, to communicate with patients about their anesthesia, to treat them with respect and to participate in teaching programs at the hospital. In addition, we are committed to continuous medical education.

The anesthesia care team approach is used to deliver this care. Physician anesthesiologists supervise Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA's). The anesthesiologists are ultimately responsible for anesthesia care in individual cases.

Anesthesiology practice involves caring for patients during surgical, obstetric and certain medical procedures; support of life functions during surgery and anesthesia, management of unconscious patients, management of postoperative or cancer pain, resuscitation management, application of some inhalation therapy techniques and management of various fluid, electrolyte and metabolic disturbances. Other responsibilities may be carried out in individual cases.
